Tuesday, November 8, 2011

IPads Instead of laptops?

Why is it that college students want an IPad verses laptops?
 For one thing battery life is huge! Normally a laptop battery last for about 3to 4 hours long depending on what you do. IPads no matter what you do u have a minimum of 10 hours! So you can surf the web, view videos and mailing friends, associates and colleagues for a long time without being concerned about being forced to recharge. Also it replaces the Kindle. You can  read eBooks, Newspapers and Newspapers. However a huge plus is that IPads show in color verses black and white with the kindle. And how can we not forget that the IPad is easier to carry and take along with you anywhere!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Business cards come to Life

What could set yourself ahead of everybody else if you are going into a job interview? Try designing a  Augmented Reality Business Card. Thousands of people have created different 3D ideas for their business cards and you can too. Go to this website bellow and Mr. Pair has instructions for you to create 3D image.


"Social Media" What you Should Know

Social media is become extremely popular for small businesses.  In 2010, 25% of small business owners said they plan to spend more on social networking. But how much more? Ad-ology’s study found that 31% of small business owners said they don’t use social media because their customers don’t use it. Now if i was a small business owner if half of my customers say that they don't use it why should i waste my time on it? For small businesses they turn on free advertisement. Facebook, YouTube, twitter, google blog, flyer's, etc... are free advertisement to bring customers to you! If your business is failing and you don't know how to fix, try to fix that nitch. Try getting your business on these social media sites.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What!? Augmented Reality?

What is Augmented Reality? Augmented reality is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augumented by computer generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. 

QR Codes are Reinventing Bar Codes

Qr codes are like a bar code, but it is a link! I found out that many company's are starting to use them. When you scan a Qr code it could explain the product, how much it weights, size, and if it is food ingredients could also be found on it!
Here are exaple that QR codes are found on....
Soda bottles